Portable two factor USB authenticator with advanced smartcard technology.  Certificate based technology generates and stores credentials such as private keys, digital certificates and passwords while protected by the smart card chip.  

For authentication, users must supply their eToken and password as a method of providing higher level based security to protect sensitive business resources and materials.

The SafeNet 5110+ eToken integrates with third party applications such as SafeNet Authentication Manager and SafeNet Authentication Client.

This token is also available with CCEAL5+ Security Certification. If this token is preferred, please specify at checkout in the notes section. Please see attached datasheet for datasheet for additional information. 

Price show is MSRP pricing.  Please contact us for a customized quote based upon your requirements.  

Price is based on MSRP pricing, for larger quantity orders, please contact us for a customized price.  



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SafeNet 5110+ eToken Java 80K

  • Brand: SafeNet
  • Product Code: 909-000417-002-002
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Call for Price

This product has a minimum quantity of 50

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